Капустина Агресор
FarMore® ✔ тепер насіння капусту АГРЕСОР F1 пройшли Не тільки фунгіцидну, але й інсектицидну обробку нової технології. Нова технологія обробки насіння - подарунок овочеводам. Тим, хто сіє прямо в поле, це як знахідка.
Прочитайте нижче про технології FarMore® . Гугл перекладач допоможе зробити це краще автора.
FarMore® Technology is not a single product; rather it is an evolving technology platform that showcases Syngenta’s commitment to discovering new seed treatment improvements for the vegetables production market.
Benefits of Seed Treatment for Vegetable Producers
A healthy start sets the foundation for strong performance as plants grow. Seed treatments provide protection during the critical germination and stand establishment stages when seeds and emerging seedlings are unable to protect themselves against invasive pathogens and pests.
Serving as the first line of defense, seed treatments can improve seedling emergence, stand establishment and plant vigor.
The benefits of FarMore® Technology are:
- Protection for high value seeds
- Customized solutions to specific vegetables crop needs
- Flexibility for use in different growing systems
- Targeted and accurate application on seeds
- A complement to more traditional crop protection methods
- Improved seed germination, seedling emergence and seedling health
- Optimum stand establishment and plant vigor
- Grower convenience